Do you suffer from chronic pain, Fibromyalgia, Migraine Headaches, M.S., or another autoimmune disease? Are you tired of being in pain and looking for a way to improve your well-being without the side effects of medication? Sarah and Karla have a solution for you called Craniosacral Therapy or CST.
What’s Craniosacral Therapy?
This therapy uses a light touch to examine membranes and fluid movement in and around the central nervous system. It relieves the tension in the central nervous system to help alleviate pain and boost your immunity. It focuses on the movement of the craniosacral fluids from the cranium to the sacrum.
Couldn’t I just get a massage?
You could, but it is not the same. Sure, there is light music and a relaxing atmosphere when this therapy is performed, but that is where it ends. For one, you are fully clothed for this type of therapy. The touch is gentle, and you’re releasing the connective tissue, not releasing tension in the soft tissue and musculature in the body. Sarah and Karla are certified to perform Craniosacral Therapy, and not every massage therapist knows how to do it.
How does it feel? Does it hurt?
Sarah or Karla will use about 5 grams of pressure (nickel weight) to gently hold your head, feet, or sacrum to listen for their rhythms. They may gently press or reposition you to help with the flow of cerebrospinal fluids or perform a tissue release while supporting your limbs.
It shouldn’t hurt during the treatment. Some people experience deep relaxation or fall asleep, while others feel pulsations, a numbing sensation, or a cold sensation.
What ailments does Craniosacral Therapy treat?
It can help relieve the following:
- Migraines and Headaches
- Constipation and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Ibs)
- Disturbed Sleep Cycles and Insomnia
- Scoliosis
- Sinus Infections
- Neck Pain
- Fibromyalgia Or Chronic Pain
- Trauma Recovery, Including Trauma from Whiplash
- Mood Disorders Like Anxiety or Depression
How do I know if CST is suitable for me?
While CST is an excellent treatment for many people, some are not candidates for it. If you experienced the following, you might not be a candidate.
- Recent concussion
- Cerebral swelling
- Structural defects in the cerebellum such as Arnold-Chiari malformation
- Brain Aneurysm
- Traumatic brain injury
- Blood clots
- Any disorder that causes instability of cerebral fluid pressure, flow, or build-up